Press Release | Strengthening Rapid Education Responses in Emergencies

A child’s right to education does not cease in humanitarian emergencies; rather, continued access to safe, quality, and inclusive education is paramount.

With generous support from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, we have teamed up with NORCAP, REACH, Save the Children, Translators without Borders, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, and UNICEF to promote and facilitate the inclusion of education in Rapid Response Mechanisms (RRMs).Strengthening the inclusion of education in RRMs is an important way in which we can mitigate disruptions to children’s learning in humanitarian contexts. We will do this by building evidence, developing tools, and reinforcing capacities of key humanitarian and education actors –including Ministries of Education.

Read the press release to learn more about the project, and achievements to date.